JAVA check if text input is empty javascript

code Source: check if text input is empty javascript java

Program to check if the String is Empty in Java Last Updated : 22 Jan, 2020 Given a string str, the task is to check if this string is empty or not, in Java. Examples: Input: str = "" Output: True Input: str = "GFG" Output: False Recommended: Please try your approach on {IDE} first, before moving on to the solution. Approach: Get the String to be checked in str We can simply check if the string is empty or not using the isEmpty() method of String class Syntax: if (str.isEmpty()) Print true if the above condition is true. Else print false. Below is the implementation of the above approach: // Java Program to check if // the String is empty in Java class GFG { // Function to check if the String is empty public static boolean isStringEmpty(String str) { // check if the string is empty or not // using the isEmpty() method // and return the result if (str.isEmpty()) return true; else return false; } // Driver code public static void main(String[] args) { String str1 = "GeeksforGeeks"; String str2 = ""; System.out.println("Is string \"" + str1 + "\" empty? " + isStringEmpty(str1)); System.out.println("Is string \"" + str2 + "\" empty? " + isStringEmpty(str2)); } } Output: Is string "GeeksforGeeks" empty? false Is string "" empty? true

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  1. check if text field is empty javascript
  2. javascript check if textbox is empty
check if field is empty js java
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javascript check if input value is null java
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check if value is empty javascript java
check if field is null java java
check if field is null javascript java
check if field is blank javascript java
check if input box is empty javascript java
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