special purpose registers

  • What is a special purpose register?

    A Special Function Register (or Special Purpose Register, or simply Special Register) is a register within a microprocessor, which controls or monitors various aspects of the microprocessor's function.
  • What are the types of special purpose registers?

    Exception handlers use four special-purpose registers, called control and status registers (CSRs), to handle an exception: mtvec, mcause, mepc, and mscratch. The machine trap-vector base-address register, mtvec, holds the address of the exception handler code.
  • What are the three special purpose registers?

    Special Purpose Registers: these components are dedicated memory storage in the CPU that can be accessed very fast. Three SP registers are shown: the Instruction Register (IR), the Program Counter (PC), and the Accumulator.
  • Special Purpose Registers
    The MC68000 microprocessor has two special-purpose registers: the program counter (PC) and the status register (SR). The program counter is 32 bits wide and contains the address of the next instruction to be executed.
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