stack frame function call

  • What is stack frame for function call?

    What is a stack frame? A stack frame is a section of memory allocated on the stack for each function call. It typically contains the return address, the parameters, the local variables, and the saved registers of the caller function.
  • What is the function of stack frame?

    A stack frame is a memory management technique used in some programming languages for generating and eliminating temporary variables. In other words, it can be considered the collection of all information on the stack pertaining to a subprogram call.
  • How do you call a stack function?

    On running the program, the main() is called, so an activation record for main() is created and added to the stack. Now, main() calls f1(), which creates an activation record for f1() on top of stack and f1() calls f2() by adding activation record for f2() on top of stack.
  • The call stack and stack frames

    1The parameter values must be passed from the caller to the called subroutine.2The state of the caller must be saved before program control is switched to the called subroutine.3The called subroutine must be executed.
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