la bastille 1789

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PDF The National Archives Education Service The French Revolution

On July 14 1789 the Paris mob hungry due to a lack of food from poor harvests upset at the conditions of their lives and annoyed with their King and Government stormed the Bastille fortress

  • Who drew up the Bastille in 1789?

    Realizing that he had a relative paucity of men to guard this vast supply of ammunition, de Launay drew up the Bastille’s two drawbridges. Two days later, on July 14, his was the only royal force left in central Paris. The storming of the Bastille, July 14, 1789.

  • Why did King Louis XVI storm the Bastille?

    storming of the Bastille, iconic conflict of the French Revolution. On July 14, 1789, fears that King Louis XVI was about to arrest France’s newly constituted National Assembly led a crowd of Parisians to successfully besiege the Bastille, an old fortress that had been used since 1659 as a state prison.

  • Why was the capture of the Bastille so difficult?

    Either the misconduct or the pusillanimity of the Garrison (which indeed consisted of not more than eighty invalids) rendered the capture of the Bastille a work of no great difficulty nor of long duration.

Révolution Française

Révolution Française

14th July 1789: Storming of the Bastille

14th July 1789: Storming of the Bastille

Storming the Bastille (July 14 1789)

Storming the Bastille (July 14 1789)

  • C'est quoi la prise de la Bastille en 1789 ?

    Le 14 juillet 1789, la forteresse de la Bastille, qui domine de sa masse sinistre les quartiers populaires de Paris, est prise d'assaut par une foule surexcitée. De ce jour date la fin de l'« Ancien Régime » et le début de la Révolution fran?ise.
  • Quelle est l'histoire de la Bastille ?

    1- La Bastille a d'abord été une forteresse
    Elevée de 1356 à 1358, sous la prévôté d'Étienne Marcel, elle s'intègre alors dans l'enceinte du roi Charles V. Puis, le même Charles V décide en 1367 d'en faire un véritable château urbain : les deux tours initiales sont rehaussées et six autres sont construites.
  • Quelles sont les causes de la prise de la Bastille ?

    Le prétexte est d'assurer l'ordre dans Paris où il y a une grande agitation populaire. En fait il s'agit de disposer de suffisamment d'hommes pour intervenir militairement contre l'Assemblée nationale et de la disperser par la force.
  • Des conséquences exceptionnelles suivent la prise de la Bastille : capitulation de Louis XVI, reconnaissance de la souveraineté populaire A l'époque, on l'a bien vu : l'événement marquait la fin d'un monde.
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Why was the Bastille stormed in 1789?

  • Causes of the Storming of the Bastille.
    . France’s heavy involvement in the American War of Independence,coupled with decades’ worth of tax evasion and corruption from the church and the
  • The Third Estate creates the National Assembly.
  • The situation escalates.
  • Storming of the Bastille.
  • Louis XVI tries to appease his people.

What are facts about the Bastille?

  • The Fort Bastille Saint-Antoine was constructed in the 14th century.
  • It became a prison over time.
    . This fortress originally had only two towers.
  • The Marquis de Sade was a prisoner here Among the famous prisoners at Fort Bastille Saint-Antoine was the French writer and philosopher Marquis de Sade.

Who were the 7 prisoners in the Bastille?

  • Who were the seven prisoners in the Bastille? The seven prisoners in in residence that day were: four forgers, the Comte de Solanges (inside for ‘a sexual misdemeanour’) and two lunatics (one of them was an English or Irish man named Major Whyte who sported a waist-length beard and thought he was Julius Caesar).

What caused the fall of the Bastille?

  • What caused the fall of the Bastille? The main reason why the rebel Parisians stormed the Bastille was not to free any prisoners but to get ammunition and arms.
    . At the time, over 30,000 pounds of gunpowder was stored at the Bastille.
    . But to them, it was also a symbol of the monarchy’s tyranny.
    . What was a major result of the French Revolution?

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14 juillet 1789 - La prise de la Bastille - Herodotenet

Storming of the Bastille - Wikiwand

Storming of the Bastille - Wikiwand

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14 juillet 1789 - La prise de la Bastille - Herodotenet

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14 juillet 1789 - La prise de la Bastille - Herodotenet

14 juillet 1789 - La prise de la Bastille - Herodotenet

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File:Storming the bastille 4jpg - Wikipedia

File:Storming the bastille 4jpg - Wikipedia

PDF) Causes of the French Revolution of 1789

Storming of the Bastille - Wikiwand

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File:Storming the bastille 4jpg - Wikipedia

PDF) Causes of the French Revolution of 1789

images détournées d'un événement du

Storming of the Bastille - Wikiwand

Storming of the Bastille - Wikiwand

File:Storming the bastille 4jpg - Wikipedia

File:Storming the bastille 4jpg - Wikipedia

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The French Revolution PDF


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