2016 election map interactive
To view the precinct level election results on an interactive map
8 nov 2016 · Please Note: Absentee numbers by precinct represent the number of voters who applied for absentee ballots not the number of absentee |
Whats the Electoral College and Whats at Stake? - KeyBank
15 sept 2020 · As in every presidential election, the Electoral College and not the popular vote will determine the presidency There are 538 electoral votes |
Interactive Lessons for the 2016 Election Season - Boxlight
If your classroom is not interactive, you can create duplicate hard copies Content (Answers To explore the 2016 Interactive Electoral Map website Directions |
Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election - Stanford University
In our post-election survey, about 15 percent of respondents recalled seeing each of 14 Page 3 Hunt Allcott and Matthew Gentzkow 213 major pre-election fake |
Americas Electoral Future - Brookings Institution
This report focuses on what those projections imply for the presidential elections of 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, and 2032 Page 5 2 Center for American Progress |
Fake or Visual Trickery? Understanding the Quantitative - CORE
In this article, we share our multimodal analysis of quantitative visual rhetoric in the news during the 2016 presidential elections We use examples from five types |
What Didnt Happen?: Breaking Down the Results of the 2016
6 As is well known, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton received 2 87 million more votes than Republican Donald Trump, but lost in state- allocated |