HIBERNATE - Persistance relationnelle en Java standard

List Docs
  • Is hibernate a JPA provider?

    Note that this tutorial uses Hibernate as the JPA provider. Most concepts can be extended to other Java persistence frameworks. This tutorial was originally written by Steven Haines and published on JavaWorld. It has been updated by Matthew Tyson for the most recent versions of Java and Hibernate as of this writing.

  • What is Java Persistence API (JPA)?

    The Java Persistence API (JPA) is the persistence standard of the Java ecosystem. It allows us to map our domain model directly to the database structure and then gives us the flexibility of manipulating objects in our code - instead of messing with cumbersome JDBC components like Connection, ResultSet, etc.

  • What is persistence context in hibernate?

    Persistence providers like Hibernate make use of persistence context to manage the entity lifecycle in an application. In this tutorial, we’ll start with the introduction of the persistence context, then we’ll see why it’s important.

  • Can hibernate persist a person object in a database?

    If you were to persist these Person objects to the database using Hibernate, you might end up with a Person table looking like this: If you stop your Java application and then start it up again, Hibernate can also work in the opposite direction to create Person objects from the rows in this database table. A small correction.

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