explain why you should strive for separation of interface from implementation

The interface is the point of agreement between a component supplier and consumer, and should therefore be well considered, complete, comprehensible and stable.
  • Why do we need to separating interface from implementation?

    Defines an interface in a separate package from its implementation. As you develop a system, you can improve the quality of its design by reducing the coupling between the system's parts. A good way to do this is to group the classes into packages and control the dependencies between them.
  • What does it mean to separate interface from implementation?

    Separating interface from implementation allows to fully use polymorphism. In this way SomeComponentV2Impl will have 3 types - own, base class, and interface. Here you may just use only the interface without caring about it's implementation in further classes.
  • Why should we program to an interface and not to an implementation?

    If, as a programmer, you code against the implementation then as soon as it changes your code stops working. So think of the benefits of the interface this way: it hides the things you do not need to know making the object simpler to use. it provides the contract of how the object will behave so you can depend on that.
  • Interfaces are useful in object-oriented programming because they allow for a level of abstraction. This means that the details of how an object is implemented are hidden from the user of the object. The user only needs to know the contract defined by the interface.
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