math packages latex

  • Which package to use math LaTeX?

    mathtools is the package you likely never knew you needed. LaTeX makes typesetting equations easy, and mathtools makes those equations beautiful. mathtools is an extention of amsmath . If you include mathtools , you can use any function or macro from that package.
  • How to insert LaTeX MathType?

    If you want to use MathType to create the LaTeX, place the insertion point between 2 sets of double dollar signs – $$… $$ – then click the toolbar icon to open MathType you can create the equation graphically within MathType When you close MathType to insert the equation, MathType will insert LaTeX into the page.
  • How to use LaTeX for math?

    To Include mathematics in a document, you type the LaTeX source code for the math between dollar signs. For example, $ax^2+bx+c=0$ will be typeset as a x 2 + b x + c = 0 . If you enclose the code between double dollar signs, the math will be displayed on on line by itself.
  • Boxed Equations

    1For a single equation or alignment building block, with the tag outside the box, use \\boxed{} :2If you want the entire line or several equations to be boxed, use a minipage inside an \\fbox{} :3There is also the mathtools \\Aboxed{} which is able to box across alignment marks:
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