nicomachean ethics

What is the core belief in Nicomachean Ethics?

    With its often-technical presentation of virtues and its interest in ethics as both an individual and social concern, the Nicomachean Ethics provides a view of human activity that is impossible to distill into an easy slogan or set of moral rules. That complex, irreducibility of human ethics, as it turns out, seems to be a major element of Aristotle's argument.

Why is it called the Nicomachean Ethics?

    Why is it called the Nicomachean Ethics? The Nicomachean Ethics is a book written by Aristotle named for Nicomachus (?????????), which in keeping with the Greek practice of boys being named after their grandfathers, was the name of both Aristotle’s father and his son.

What are Nicomachean Ethics?

    Written in the 4th century BC, "The Nicomachean Ethics" by Aristotle studies the pursuit of happiness and is an exploration into the characteristics of a good man. In other words, how do we live successful lives, what makes somebody a good person and why should happiness be our goal.

What is moral virtue in Nicomachean ethic?

    Nicomachean Ethics on Moral Virtue Aristotle believes that virtue, or excellence, can be distinguished into two different types. One being intellectual virtue, and the other being moral virtue. Aristotle encompasses intellectual virtue as being philosophical wisdom, understanding and practical wisdom.
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The Nicomachean Ethics

The Nicomachean Ethics



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