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The mouse salivary androgen-binding protein (ABP) gene

Mouse salivary androgen-binding protein (ABP) is a pair of dimers, composed of an alpha subunit disul-fide bridged to either a beta or a gamma subunit It has been proposed that each subunit is encoded by a distinct gene: Abpa, Abpb,andAbpg for the alpha, beta, and gamma subunits, respectively We report

CREB-binding protein in androgen receptor-mediated signaling

ABSTRACT CREB-binding protein (CBP) is a transcrip-tional coregulator that interacts with different DNA binding proteins and components of the general transcription ma-chinery CBP enhanced androgen receptor (AR)-dependent transcription under transient transfection conditions in CV-1 cells The ligand binding domain (LBD) and residues 38–296

Testosterone and the Free Androgen Index

testosterone-estrogen-binding globulin (TeBG), sex steroid-binding globulin (SSBG), or simply sex steroid-binding protein (SBP) SHBG is the most important transport protein for three reasons: • It carries (at least in females) a higher percentage of testosterone than either albumin or cortisol-binding globulin

[PDF] L'endocytose de l''' androgen-binding protein '' (ABP) par

ABP binding protein Since the binding of this protein molecule to ABP was saturable and Calcium and pH dependent, it is strongly suggested that this molecule behaves as a receptor, the ligand (or one of the ligands) of which could be ABP Introduction Chez le rat, l’androgen-binding protein (ABP) synthétisée par les cellules de

[PDF] CREB-binding protein in androgen receptor-mediated signaling

CREB-binding protein in androgen receptor-mediated signaling PIIA AARNISALO*, JORMA J PALVIMO*, AND OLLI A JA¨NNE* †‡ *Department of Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine, and †Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Helsinki, P O Box 9, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland Edited by Elwood V Jensen, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, and approved December 23, 1997 Cited by : 340

[PDF] The mouse salivary androgen-binding protein (ABP) gene

Mouse salivary androgen-binding protein (ABP) is a pair of dimers, composed of an alpha subunit disul-fide bridged to either a beta or a gamma subunit It has been proposed that each subunit is encoded by a distinct gene: Abpa, Abpb,andAbpg for the alpha, beta, and gamma subunits, respectively We report here the structures and sequences of the genes that encode these three subunits Each Cited by : 20


ABP: Androgen-Binding Protein + + Spermatogenèse Contrôle endocrinien de la spermatogenèse Devenir des spermatozoïdes Transport Pression exercée par les nouveaux spermatozoïdes produits Sécrétion du plasma séminal (cellules Sertoli, épididyme, conduits déférents et glandes annexes) Epithélium cilié épididyme Contraction des muscles lisses Transport des spermatozoïdes

[PDF] Testosterone regulates the autophagic

ex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is a glycoprotein that is mostly produced by the liver, testes, brain, and placenta Testes-produced SHBG is also called androgen-binding protein (ABP)

ABP: la protéine testiculaire de liaison des androgènes

1 jan. 1980 Androgen binding protein. ABP is a protein found in the testicular cytosol or secreted by Sertoli cells in the rete testis fluid. It has ...

La surexpression de landrogen-binding protein (ABP) provoque des

Mots Clds : Androgen-binding protein transgd- n~se

The Genes for Mouse Salivary Androgen-Binding Protein (ABP

KARN 1984) codes for the Alpha subunit of ABP and rename the locus Androgen binding protein alpha (Abpa). A study of recombinant inbred strains 

Age Related Effects on Androgen Binding Protein (ABP) in Sheep

An androgen binding protein (ABP) has been demonstrated in testis and epididymis (caput corpus

Factors Affecting Blood Levels of Androgen Binding Protein in the Rat

androgen - FSH. Androgen binding protein (ABP) is synthesized in Sertoli cells (Hansson et al. 1975) under the influence of both androgens 

Expression and Distribution of Androgen-Binding Protein/Sex

Androgen-binding protein (ABP)/sex hormone-binding glob- ulin gene expression has been described in the rat testicular. Sertoli cell and brain.


La demi-vie de la SBP est de 7 jours. Synonymes : SBP = Sex Steroid Binding Protein = Sex. Hormone Binding Globulin = SHBG = TeBG = Testosterone-estradiol 

with a GnRH antagonist: relationship with androgen-binding protein

of androgen-binding protein (ABP) to the completion of spermiogenesis was examined in mature rats given daily injections of 25 or 250 g=mgkgm=-body 

Analysis of the Steroid Binding Domain of Rat Androgen-Binding

binding domain on human sex hormone binding globulin. (En- docrinology 129: 690-696 1991). ANDROGEN-BINDING protein (ABP)

What is the function of androgen binding protein?

Androgen binding protein, ABP, was initially characterized as a Sertoli cell product in rodents and other small mammals. In these species it is thought to function to concentrate androgens in the seminiferous tubules and deliver the steroid hormone to developing spermatocytes and spermatids.

Where is androgen-binding protein synthesized?

Androgen-binding protein (ABP) is synthesized by the Sertoli cell in the testis, where ~80% is secreted into the luminal fluid and the other ~20% is secreted into the interstitial compartment and taken up into the systemic circulation.

What is the relationship between serum FSH and androgen-binding protein?

Rich and de Kretser (1977) damaged rat seminiferous epithelium by several methods and found a relationship between elevated serum FSH and a reduced ability of the Sertoli cells to secrete androgen-binding protein.

What is androgen action?

Action Androgen action involves pre-receptor, receptor and post-receptor mechanisms that are centered on the binding of testosterone (or an analog) to the androgen receptor. Testosterone undergoes pre-receptor activation by conversion to potent bioactive metabolites, DHT and estradiol.

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