6502 assembly language emulator

List Docs
  • What is easy 6502?

    Easy 6502 - Nick Morgan built on Stian Søreng's work to create an online 6502 tutorial. It introduces the 6502 in several lessons, starting from the basics and building up to a working game. Each lesson presents example code that can be run in an emulator on the same page.

  • What is virtual 6502?

    It is an accurate representation of the 6502 in its most intricate details. Virtual 6502 is JavaScript-based assembler, disassembler, and emulator that runs in your browser. Its CPU code is based on C-code for Macintosh by Earle F. Philhower III and available under the GPL. This page also includes a 6502 instruction set reference.

  • What is 6502 assembler & emulator?

    6502 Assembler & Emulator in JavaScript - This website by Stian Søreng is a small assembler and emulator written entirely in JavaScript that runs in your web browser. Easy 6502 - Nick Morgan built on Stian Søreng's work to create an online 6502 tutorial.

  • Who wrote a 6502 simulator?

    Soft6502 - Charles R. Bond has written a 6502 simulator for Windows that resembles the early 6502 single board computers such as the KIM-1. soft65c02 - Greg has written a command line tool and emulator library in Rust, published with a GPL3 license.

Basic Syntax

The assembler supports common 6502 assembler syntax styles. Mind that there must be a seperating white space between labels, opcodes, and any operands. Operands, on the other hand, must not contain any white space. Operands may be simple numeric values, defined symbols, instruction labels, or complex expressions. Compare the 6502 Instruction Setfor

Values and Numeric Representations

The assembler supports a variety of number formats: $12EF 1. hexadecimal [0-9A-F]. &12EF 1. hexadecimal. 0x12EF 1. hexadecimal. 1289 1. decimal [0-9]. 0d1289 1. decimal. @1267 1. octal [0-7]. 0o1267 1. octal. 01267 1. octal. %1010101 1. binary [01]. 0b1010101 1. binary. 'A 1. character value of "A" ($41in ASCII) (In BBC mode, "$" is reserved for th

Value Expressions

Anywhere a value mayn occur this may be a complex expression as well. Expressions may include addition, subtraction, multiplication, divisions, and unary minus (+-*/ and -). There are also the two special unary byte operators "<" ">": <$12EF 1. low-byte value ($EF). >$12EF 1. high-byte value ($12). Expressions are evaluated strictly from left to ri

The Program Counter

The program counter (also PC or location counter) represents the memory address of the current instruction. Outside of an instruction, it represents the address, where the next instruction will be inserted. There are several ways to address the prorgam counter: * = $1234 1. the asterisk represents the "native" (MOS) format. Assigning to it sets the

Labels and Symbols

Instruction labels and defined symbols start with a letter character or underscore and may contain, letters, digits, or the undescore. Only the first 8 characters are significant. (In BBC mode, a symbol may optionally end with a percent sign, "%", like a BASIC integer variable.) Instruction labels may precede an instruction or may be the only entit

Anonymous (Temporary) Labels

The assembler also supports anonymous labels for temporary branch and jump targets: Just mark an instruction by "" or ":" (empty label) and refer to this mark by either "+" (or ":+") for the next anonymous label as a target or by "-" (or ":-") for the previous one. You may refer to a target further away by repeating "+" or "-". E.g., "BNE --"br

Pragmas and Directives

Pragmas and directives start generally with a dot and must be the only entity on a line. Directives for embedding data: .BYTE 1, $02 1. embeds a single byte or a list of bytes at the current location. Lists are sperated by white-space and/or colons. (An optional "#", preceding any values, is ignored.) Values may be complex expressions, as well. .DB


Options are a special set of directives switching the behavior of the assembler. Like other pragmas, they start with a dot (.). .OPT WORDA 1. switches automatic zero-page detection for address modes off. All addresses default to word-size and zero-page address modes must be specified manually by a leading asterisk ("*") or the byte extension (".b")


This assembler is all about a quick assembly session without worrying too much about the specific syntax (starting with the format of the very first MOS cross-assembler and extending to more modern styles). As long as you do not require macros or conditional assembly, you should be able to throw about any style of source code at it. E.g., the follo

About BBC Micro Compatibility Mode

The BBC Micro computers had a quite powerful and versatile implementation of BASIC (BBC BASIC), which in turn built on the BASIC implementation of the Acorn Atom computer. One of its features was a built-in assembler, allowing users to embed assembler code directly in their BASIC sources. "BBC Micro mode"(enabled by the equally named checkbox) adds

6502 Assembly Language: Getting Started

6502 Assembly Language: Getting Started

Advanced 6502 Assembly Programming for the Apple II

Advanced 6502 Assembly Programming for the Apple II

Learn 6502 Assembly Programming

Learn 6502 Assembly Programming

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6502 assembly language programming by lance a leventhal 6502 assembly language programming pdf 6502 bcc 6502 block diagram 6502 brk instruction 6502 cpu architecture 6502 datasheet cpu 6502 emulator python

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6502org • View topic - Best way to start learning 6502 Assembler

6502org • View topic - Best way to start learning 6502 Assembler

6502 - Chessprogramming wiki

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3D-Demo in 6502 Assembler

3D-Demo in 6502 Assembler

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Hello World in 6502 Assembler - YouTube

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MOS6502-delphi – a MOS 6502 CPU emulator for Delphi

Learn Multi platform 6502 Assembly Programming For Monsters!

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BBC BASIC - Wikipedia

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A Z80 Cp M Emulator For The Samd51 Cdn Learn Adafruit Com - PDF

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Programming the 6502

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